Researchers identify DNA region linked to depression
Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis and King's College London have independently identified DNA on chromosome 3 that appears to be related to depression.
View ArticleScreening with low-dose spiral CT scanning reduces lung cancer deaths by 20...
Current or heavy smokers who were screened with low-dose spiral computed tomography (CT) scanning had a 20 percent reduction in deaths from lung cancer than did those who were screened by chest X-ray,...
View ArticleBrain chemical may explain why heavy smokers feel sad after quitting
Heavy smokers may experience sadness after quitting because early withdrawal leads to an increase in the mood-related brain protein monoamine oxidase A (MAO-A), a new study by the Centre for Addiction...
View ArticleThe effects of smoking and alcohol use on risk of upper aero-digestive cancers
Upper aero-digestive tract cancers (UADT), especially those of the oral cavity, pharynx, and larynx, are often referred to as alcohol-related cancers as it has been shown repeatedly that heavy...
View ArticleCT scans for lung cancer screening may be beneficial in detecting COPD
Among men who were current or former heavy smokers, undergoing lung cancer screening with computed tomography (CT) scanning identified a substantial proportion who had chronic obstructive pulmonary...
View ArticleAmerican Society of Clinical Oncology issues annual report on progress...
The American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) today released Clinical Cancer Advances 2011: ASCO's Annual Report on Progress Against Cancer, an independent review of the advances in cancer research...
View ArticleSmoking is an independent risk factor for psoriasis
(HealthDay) -- Smoking is an independent risk factor for psoriasis, with particularly strong associations for heavy smokers and those who have smoked for many years, according to research published in...
View ArticlePanel of serum biomarkers may reduce number of lung biopsies needed
A panel of serum biomarkers could help predict the level of lung cancer risk in high-risk patients, offering doctors an option before proceeding with a biopsy. Research presented in the April 2012...
View ArticleLung cancer CT scans: Just for older heavy smokers
New lung cancer screening guidelines from three medical groups recommend annual scans but only for an older group of current or former heavy smokers.
View ArticleAustralia defiant on WTO cigarette challenge
Australia said Friday it would "vigorously defend" itself against complaints about its plan for plain cigarette packaging made by Honduras and Ukraine to the World Trade Organisation.
View ArticleGenes predict if medication can help you quit smoking
The same gene variations that make it difficult to stop smoking also increase the likelihood that heavy smokers will respond to nicotine-replacement therapy and drugs that thwart cravings, a new study...
View ArticleSmokers more than double their risk of burst aneurysm
Smoking more than 20 cigarettes a day doubles the risk of a potentially fatal brain bleed as a result of a burst aneurysm, finds research published online in the Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and...
View ArticleDomestic coal use linked to substantial lifetime risk of lung cancer in...
The use of "smoky coal" for household cooking and heating is associated with a substantial increase in the lifetime risk of developing lung cancer, finds a study from China published in the British...
View ArticleKey immune cell may play role in lung cancer susceptibility
(Medical Xpress)—Why do many heavy smokers evade lung cancer while others who have never lit up die of the disease? The question has vexed scientists for decades.
View ArticleResearchers develop blood test that accurately detects early stages of lung,...
Researchers at Kansas State University have developed a simple blood test that can accurately detect the beginning stages of cancer.
View ArticleSmoking, heavy drinking linked to earlier onset of pancreatic cancer
Those who smoke and drink heavily may develop pancreatic cancer at an earlier age than those who don't, according to a study led by a University of Michigan Health System gastroenterologist.
View ArticleLung function recovery seen in people exposed to World Trade Center site
(HealthDay)—Some workers and residents exposed to dust and fumes after the 2001 collapse of the World Trade Center towers have shown gradual improvement in lung function, according to a new study.
View ArticleCan't stop? Smoking less helps: Forty-year study shows benefit from reduction
Countless studies demonstrate the virtues of complete smoking cessation, including a lowered risk of disease, increased life expectancy, and an improved quality of life. But health professionals...
View ArticleAs cigarette taxes go up, heavy smoking goes down
(Medical Xpress)—When cigarette taxes rise, hard-core smokers are more likely than lighter smokers to cut back, according to new research from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis.
View ArticleEarly menopause may occur in women with BRCA gene, study finds
Women with harmful mutations in the BRCA gene, which put them at higher risk of developing breast and ovarian cancer, tend to undergo menopause significantly sooner than other women, allowing them an...
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